Fast and simple
Most nationalities can apply for an e-visa while some don’t need a visa at all. For all others, tourist visas can be obtained by applying via the nearest Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Scroll down for more details.
Visa -free
The following nationalities can travel to Azerbaijan visa-free:
Belarus Moldova Qatar
Georgia Russia Ukraine
Kazakhstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan Türkiye
Note: Iranian passport holders can travel to Nakhchivan visa-free and stay there for 15 days.
For the following nationalities e-visas to Azerbaijan can be obtained within 3 days via by following 3 simple steps (apply, pay and download the e-visa sent via email):
Albania Hungary Norway
Argentina Iceland Oman
Australia India Pakistan
Austria Indonesia Panama
Bahrain Iran Paraguay
Belgium Ireland Peru
Brazil Israel Poland
Brunei Darussalam Italy Portugal
Bulgaria Japan Republic of Korea
Canada Jordan Romania
Chile Kuwait Saudi Arabia
China Latvia Serbia
Colombia Lithuania Singapore
Costa Rica Luxembourg Slovakia
Croatia Macedonia Slovenia
Cuba Malaysia South Africa
Cyprus Maldives Spain
Czech Republic Malta Sri Lanka
Denmark Mauritius Sweden
Ecuador Mexico Switzerland
Estonia Mongolia Thailand
Finland Montenegro Turkmenistan
France Morocco UAE
Germany Nepal UK and Northern Ireland
Greece Netherlands USA
Guatemala New Zealand Viet Nam
The full list of countries eligible for an e-visa to Azerbaijan is available here.
Apply fore-visas
When applying for e-visas to Azerbaijan, note the following:
you must apply at least 3 working days before your visit.
your passport must be valid for at least 3 months after the e-visa expires.
the e-visa fee is $25 USD, an urgent e-visa is $60 USD and is non-refundable.
visason arrival
For the following nationalities visas to Azerbaijan are also available upon arrival:
Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabia
China Malaysia Singapore
Israel Oman South Korea
Japan UAE Iran
Foreign residents of the Gulf Cooperation Countries (the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman) can get a visa upon arrival if their residency is valid for at least another 6 months. Residents of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman need to be accompanied by a citizen of the corresponding country to be eligible for visa upon arrival. It is preferable to have a notarized English translation of the residence permit for more convenient border crossing procedure.
ATTENTION: All other nationalities should apply for a visa at their nearest Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Registration after arrival
All tourists travelling to Azerbaijan for more than 15 days need to get registered at the place where they are staying with the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This is free and usually done by the hotel (or any other accommodation providers) but you should ask in advance. Please be informed that this should be done even if you have a valid e-visa.
For detailed information or to start your application, please visit the official e-visa website: