
The Kur River in Mingachevir
The Kur River in Mingachevir

The territory of Mingachevir was inhabited over 5,000 years ago and is thought to have been located on the former Silk Road. However, the modern city was built after World War II with the help of 10,000 German PoWs who were brought to construct the vast Mingachevir hydroelectric power station. The German influence is still visible in several buildings in the city centre such as the Drama Theatre and a few German-style apartment blocks. There is also a German PoW cemetery at the foot of nearby Bozdag Mountain. Elsewhere, the Kura River runs through Mingachevir and is central to local life: the city has long been famous for its superb rowing centre, and you can visit a local fish farm, stroll along the pleasant riverside boulevard and dine at local fish restaurants. If you visit in summer, consider taking a dip in the vast Mingachevir reservoir.