

 Half hidden among hilltop vineyards in a deeply rural corner of Ismayilli district, Chabiant’s winery (aka Chateau Monolit) is one of Azerbaijan’s most appealing destinations for wine tourists thanks to a quality guesthouse with open-air swimming pool, a splendid tasting room and impressive wine storage caves designed to look...

Lezgi village
Lezgi village

The Lezgis say: “What’s the point of a house where smoke doesn’t come from the chimney or where a guest doesn’t step across the doorstep?” You can discover the ancient and rich culture of the hospitable Lezgi people in the village of Hil in the Gusar region. The residents of this village, located in the heart of the mountains,...

Nakhchivani cuisine
Nakhchivani cuisine

Ask Azerbaijanis about Nakhchivan and we’ll often think of its distinct cuisine, which is packed with fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and lamb. One local lamb stew, qovurma shorbasi, served with beans, potatoes and a poached egg on top, is still cooked and stored according to ancient tradition: underground in earthenware pots. Another popular...

Ganja's local cuisine
Ganja's local cuisine

Ganja cuisine is distinguished by its unique dishes. The first dish that comes to mind when talking about Ganja cuisine is the famous Ganja dovga. The main thing that distinguishes it from other regions is that it is made of buffalo yogurt. Ganja dolma (cabbage dolma with vinegar-juice), lamb sweets are distinguished with a special taste. Ganja...

Dining in Baku
Dining in Baku

From traditional bistros serving local delicacies to chic Western-style restaurants, Baku offers diverse dining experiences to tickle all travellers’ taste buds. You’ll find plenty of places to sample the best of Azerbaijani cuisine, alongside a growing mix of popular international franchises, contemporary cafes, caravanserais,...

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