Khan Yaylaghi is a picturesque highland located near Sheki, Azerbaijan, renowned for its natural beauty, rich history, and peaceful atmosphere. Nestled in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, Khan Yaylaghi offers breathtaking views of the surrounding lush green valleys, dense forests, and towering peaks. This tranquil retreat is an...
The Sheki Art House is an artistic treasure located in the heart of Sheki, Azerbaijan. Known for its rich heritage and cultural significance, the Art House serves as a prominent space for local artists to exhibit their work and connect with visitors. One of the main attractions at the Art House in Sheki is its diverse collection of Azerbaijani art, featuring...
Shekihkhans' House is a palace-style residential building rich in decorative elements. Located not far from the fortress, to the west of the Sheki Khan’s Palace, in the Otagh Ishigi neighborhood, it was built in the second half of the 18th century using the lattice technique. Numerous studies have proven that the wall patterns inside this building...
Laza, a charming village in Gabala, Azerbaijan, is a hidden gem that offers visitors a peaceful retreat in the Caucasus Mountains. Known for its awe-inspiring mountain views and lush, verdant landscapes, Laza has become one of the top destinations for nature lovers. The village is home to the famous Laza Waterfall, which cascades dramatically from a...
The Sheikh Juneid Mausoleum is a historical and sacred site located near Guba, in the northern part of Azerbaijan. This mausoleum is dedicated to Sheikh Juneid, a prominent spiritual leader and Sufi mystic who played a significant role in the history of the region. His legacy continues to attract visitors who come to pay their respects and learn more about...